Robert J. Esposito

Brings thirty years of experience in master planning, architectural space planning, and facility programming and has served as a planning and design consultant to institutions for higher education:

  • conducting campus, facilities, and space master planning

  • completing initial planning, utilization, and feasibility studies

  • evaluating and studying sites

  • executing cost studies

  • furnishing architectural surveying, building evaluations, and codes analysis

  • providing architectural design and construction administration

As a consultant, Mr. Esposito has completed over 80 institutional facility programs, 18 master plans, and 15 space utilization studies. These efforts have involved interviewing constituents, documenting existing conditions and space assignments, and developing space projections. An essential element has included the analysis of staffing functions, interrelationships, and work flow to establish uniform space/work stations, and corresponding design and environmental criteria, accommodating multiple use and space flexibility.

While in private practice, the University of Maryland, College Park engaged his services as Acting Manager for both the Interior Design and Capital Equipment Group to perform “trouble shooting” responsibilities, both organizationally and in project management. In this role, Mr. Esposito managed University staff who were responsible for interior design, space planning, and the identification, justification, budgeting, specification, acquisition, and installation of furnishings and equipment for all academic, administrative, student services, and athletic/recreation facilities.

Prior to entering private practice, Mr. Esposito spent 13 years in higher education as Director of Facilities Planning at Syracuse University and the University of Maryland, College Park and another two years as a campus planner with the State University of New York. While at the University of Maryland, College Park, he was responsible for planning and programming projects totaling approximately one billion dollars (current value). These projects included both renovation and/or new construction of administrative services, residence halls, offices, teaching and research facilities, libraries, student activity centers, performing arts, and athletic and recreation facilities. He also developed the format and content for the first Facilities Master Plan to be developed in the State by an institution of higher education. Mr. Esposito also served as a guest lecturer, adjunct professor, and design critic in the School of Architecture.

Mr. Esposito has received recognition within the State of Maryland, as well as nationally, for his planning and programming experience. As a member of the Higher Education Committee and as a board member of the Council of Educational Facilities Planners, International, he was involved in the publication of two documents for use in higher education: “Space Planning Guidelines” and“Program of Requirements Guidelines.” In addition, Mr. Esposito has both prepared and presented papers to both local and national institutions: Master Planning and Facilities Planning, Programming and the Programmer, Capital Equipment: Fund Sources, Lists, and Buys, Master Planning for Facilities Development, Programmer is the Architect as Specifications are to the Contractor, The Campus Planning Process for Colleges and Universities, and Systematic Approach for Assessing the Feasibility of Renovating Facilities.

Mr. Esposito received a Bachelor of Science in the Building Sciences, Bachelor of Architecture, and Masters of Architecture from Rensselaer Polytechic Institute.




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